Friday, February 13, 2009

Brazen & Blazen advertising

This is brazen blazen self promotion!
I'm moving.
I'm getting rid of as much as I can! (Its only "stuff")
I'm renting a table at the Vancouver Flea Market (the big red barn) on Terminal in Vancouver
Come and get some GREAT deals...
Some of the "stuff": kitchen appliances, table cloths, linen (napkins), picture frames, teddy bears, knick knacks, jewellry, collectibles, Valentine stuff~!!!!

Come by and say hi
Have your picture taken and posted on facebook (or here :)

Bring your sense of humour and your wallet!

Lynne & Jen

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You get what you vote for

Harper's Conservatives do NOT care about the average Canadian. Its same ol' same ol' on Parliament Hill.

Canadians are generally hard workers. However, our own government (Human Resources Minister Diane Finley) does NOT agree. Instead, she says “We do not want to make it lucrative for them to stay home and get paid for it”. She is talking about Employment Insurance Claimants. You know... that thing that ALL working Canadians must pay into and are entitled to when they loose their jobs through no fault of their own.
No fault, but hey... we must ensure you are not lazy you sloths!
Look who is call Canadian lazy!
The government that uses EI funds for their general budget.
Might as well just call it what it is... a tax.
How insulting.
To the very people that make this country work.
An extra 5 weeks of benefits is all you are going to get you lazy sods.
Be grateful for that!
Have a look at this article: