The Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan is a document which will set out the path for the future of the deserts in Southern California. Called the DRECP for short, this is the first document of its type in a long time.
The DRECP is to be administered by the Federal and State of California governments. The players are the BLM (Bureau of Land Management - Federal), the US Fish & Wildlife Service (Federal), The California Fish & Wildlife Department (State), and the California Energy Commission (State Agency). These all form the umbrella of the Renewable Energy Action Team (REAT).
Two things are at its core: 1) welcoming green energy production into the deserts of Southern California; and 2) ensuring a smooth process for ensuring that the impact of green energy complies with environmental impact studies but does not get bogged down in that EPA process on a Federal and/or State level. In other words, it is a bureaucracy's attempt at streamlining a process.
Why the REAT wants a DRECP
In order to get a good plan, REAT has come up with a plan for including as many stakeholders as possible in developing the plan. This is the consultation phase of the process for the DRECP. We are here now.
Right now, between September 26, 2014, and January 15, 2015, the DRECP is in draft form, and is open for public comment. That means that everyone gets a say on some level. Directly.
That's a good thing.
Now get involved!
Its probably an overwhelming document, but if that is so, break it down. Get your neighbours and friends involved. Form a review committee. Everyone take a section, distill it down into an identifiable and digestible form. Review it. Decide on some comments.
Its ok if you don't all agree with your friends and neighbours on the comments, because you can each submit your own comments. Its pretty easy.
Here's the website:
Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan
and Here is both the access point for the document and how to comment:
DRECP Documents & How to Comment
If you can't get on line, you can request a copy of the document. They can sent you a CD disc, or a paper copy (try and save a few trees and learn how to access it on line though). You can also borrow it from the local libraries in the catchment areas (southern California), and at BLM Offices in Southern California. I think the US and CA Fish & Wildlife offices will also have copies (paper and CD) available.
Good luck... and may the GREEN FORCE BE WITH YOU... ok... a little carried away, but you get the idea.
Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan
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