Monday, February 1, 2016

SCCG Inc. = The Slab City Community Group Inc.

Section 36 is currently owned by the State of California, and administered by the State Land Commission. They want to sell it. We live on it. So, we have decided we want to buy it. We are going to administer it as a Community Land Trust so that people can have access to this land in perpetuity (forever). We want to keep Slab City the way it has always been. Free and accessible.

To that end, we are in the midst of a fundraising campaign to make this happen.

The SCCG Inc. is a registered Charity in the State of California with federal s. 501(c)(3) status. That means we can give you a tax receipt for your donation.

We can also accept "in kind" donations.

If you can't find a few $$ in your pocket to spare for Slab City, you can still help... Just spread the word about what we are doing. Post it on FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, tell your friends over coffee (it is the social glue after all), or over a beer, or whatever... better yet, bring them to Slab City for the weekend. Come camp and enjoy our music, our ambience, our culture and our art. Come participate. You are welcome here... any time...

Here are the links to our fundraising pages:

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