Saturday, December 8, 2018

Oil Prices Rant #2

So the chart below is courtesy of (they track oil prices all over the world), December 6, 2018.

As you can see, Premier Notely’s claim that oil prices in Alberta are at $11 / barrel is way too simple, and patently untrue.

The lowest price is $17/ barrel, which took a drop in the last few days because there are world events affecting the oil prices. The question Premier Notely needs to address is why she is not being included in those world discussions? She needs to get on THAT and stop trying to con the Canadian public about her agenda.

The next question to ask is who are these Canadian oil companies? Hardisty Light, Albian Heavy Synthetic, Syncrude Sweet Premium, Peace Sour, premium Synthetic, etc.

Well, glad you asked ... stay tuned!

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